Lift yourself powerful

Running, cycling, swimming etc are our major fat-burner workouts!



Resistance training; aka lifting weights; body weight work; strength work; pumping iron etc is the key to a strong, supple body.

Other benefits include:

  • Bone density
  • better muscle tone (less jiggle, more power)
  • increased metabolism (think slimmer, weight control)
  • fantastic posture (walk taller)
  • better bone density (less chance of bone breakage as we age)
  • better sleep

So, if you want to fit into your skinny jeans this winter and be ready to hit summer with a bang, start lifting!

Before we look at the benefits more closely, I’d like to dispel some myths:
– you WON’T end up looking like Arnie (women aren’t made that way)
– you’re NOT TOO OLD – the benefits of a resistance program can be gained at any age
– you don’t need a whole heap of equipment – your own body weight is a great place to start

OK, now that’s out of the way let’s take a closer look at the benefits:

It keeps your bones strong and healthy

The action of muscles pulling on your bones as you lift weights, challenges the bones and helps maintain bone density.  From about 30, you start to lose a small percentage of bone density each year.  Bear in mind that women make up 80 per cent of osteoporosis cases as they lose bone mass.

It helps fight off disease

The research community is recognising that heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and “all the classic chronic diseases” including cancer are less likely with any form of activity, from strength training to cardio.

We all know that running is good for your heart, your brain, your waistline and your mental health. Well, so is weight training.

The stronger you are, the more resilient you are against disease.

Kick starts your metabolism and fat loss

Muscles burn calories

Therefore: Increase your muscle mass = boost your calorific burn

Think of your body as a heating system:

Aerobic exercise (running, cycling etc) will crank up the heat while you work out. Strength training, on the other hand, doesn’t turn the heat up as much as creating a long term burn.

Weight training, on a whole, however, can help maintain a regular weight while changing your body’s composition.

We all know the saying “Muscle weighs more than fat.”

Think of it this way:

1kg of feathers is the same as a 1 kg of bricks, but one’s less dense taking up less room. Think about building a brick foundation of muscle.

Diabetes Type II buster (insulin regulation) and lowers inflammation

Strength training burns glucose, which is great news for those battling Type 2 diabetes who consistently need to manage blood sugar levels.

Lifting weights even aids in fighting off inflammation, which is a marker tied to many diseases. Studies have suggested that regular resistance training sessions, about twice a week, resulted in drops in inflammation in overweight women.

It improves posture, sleep, mood and energy levels

A balanced weights program that works on the whole body will help improve posture – think stronger muscles to support the skeleton and help it stay upright.

Increased strength = stronger, happier mind.  I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t love the positive changes in their shape, health and well being.

It’s empowering to feel strong.

It improves strength and endurance

Increased strength impacts other activities.

Stronger legs help you walk or run further and faster.

A well rounded running program should always include strength work along with the road time and stretching.

It improves balance and reduces the risk of falls

The function of our muscles is to work as a well oiled machine to move our skeleton.  Bones without muscles are useless.

Does “Use it or loose it” sound familiar?

If you don’t use your muscles, they waste away making it harder to move efficiently.

A major reason the elderly become house bound is fear of falling.

Fifty per cent of seniors who get a hip fracture from a fall don’t live past two years following the incident. With improved balance and muscle strength falls can be avoided.

Exercisers who lift weights have stronger legs, arms and core, are more able to carry groceries up stairs and maintain balance.

It boosts confidence

The sense of achievement gained from increasing strength and being able to lift heavier weights boosts self esteem and confidence.

Having the power to use your body as it was designed, transform your shape and maintain a healthy weight are powerful reasons to lift and shift.

Fancy some of this for yourself?

Join our Fit! Fun! Fabulous! classes and get started on unveiling your strong, able body

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