
Rediscover your tummy muscles

Do you avoid jumping on the trampoline with your children?

Do you dread having to run for the bus not to mention playing netball or tennis?

Does your back ache from sitting at your desk all day?

Pilates can build an inner foundation of strength and support, enabling you to live your best life

Just $7 for 7 days unlimited classes gets you started. Click here to buy now

Our classes focus on strengthening your "core" muscles aka your mid-section which includes:

  • pelvic floor
  • your waist region
  • back muscles

Once you develop more strength in these muscles you'll have better control over your movements leaving you freer to run and jump (if you want to 😉)

Some of the great feedback I’ve had from clients:

“my back doesn’t hurt anymore!  Goodbye chiropractor”

“my pelvic floor is so much better. I’d thought it was lost for good”

“Hello tummy-muscles!”

Regular Pilates classes will give you:

  • increased energy
  • better flexibility
  • a strong foundation of strength to enable you to live an active life more confidently

First 7 days for just $7

monday morning pilates

Rediscover your tummy muscles (and much more!)

Pilates is not “easy” option.

It’s tough and it’s effective!

Talk about muscle burn!  I LOVE it!

We use thera-bands; Pilates balls and sliding discs to help you build defined, strong arms and longer looking, leaner legs (not to mention the butt-lift which this 50-something body needs!).

I love helping my clients achieve the same for themselves.

The Pilates I teach have been developed by physiotherapists and focus on correct movements and breathing to deliver optimum results.

What is Pilates?

The Pilates Method is a unique approach to exercise that develops body awareness, improving and changing the body's postural and alignment habits, increasing flexibility and ease of movement.

It is an exercise method that focuses on the core postural muscles that help keep the body balanced and are essential to provide support to the spine. Pilates is a commonly prescribed exercise for rugby players, dancers and elite athletes, for the postural, core strength it delivers.

Combining elements of yoga, martial arts and other forms of physical training Pilates makes for an excellent all round exercise system for mind and body.









  • reduced neck and back pain
  • improved posture (standing correctly can make you look slimmer!!)
  • pelvic floor strength
  • better flexibility
  • core strength and spinal stability
  • lower injury risk
  • increased bone density
  • body changing and toning – hands up who’d like flatter abdominals
  • better muscle definition

Pilates practice focuses on controlled and specific movements. If you haven’t tried Pilates before, I strongly recommend it to complement your exercise routine - it's the foundation upon which you build your strength.

Start with just $7 for 7 days and start living your best life

Click here to buy your $7 trial week