Ticking Time Bomb: Managing Blood Pressure is Key to Longevity

heart health for long term health

Blood pressure and heart health are closely linked and are the key to longevity.Blood pressure is a measure of the force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of arteries. It is a vital indicator of cardiovascular health. It’s influenced by factors like cardiac output, peripheral resistance, and overall blood volume, with optimal levels crucial…

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Harnessing hormonal harmony

it's a balancing act

Physical fitness is just one small benefit of regular exercise. Its reach extends into the realms of hormonal equilibrium, creativity, and overall well-being. Beyond sculpting muscles, it plays a key role in harnessing hormonal harmony. Through increased blood flow and neurotransmitter release, it ignites the spark of creativity, unveiling innovative solutions. Furthermore, exercise cultivates balance…

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Are you using the right fuel?

You wouldn’t put diesel into a petrol car would you (well, not on purpose anyway), but do you consider what food you use for exercise performance? These are some common questions I deal with regularly: For those of us who grew up with the mind set that exercise was all about burning maximum calories to…

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Thrive in midlife: 3 key facts to defy ageing

Midlife is often seen as a turning point—a time when we reflect on our past achievements and look ahead to the future. It’s a stage where maintaining our health becomes crucial to leading a fulfilling life. Regular exercise during midlife is not only beneficial for physical well-being but also plays a vital role in mental…

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Is “convenience” inconvenient?

Is technology and progress making us lazy? Are we too lazy, busy or disinterested to put an effort into everyday things? And, is this convenience, actually causing us to be inconvenienced in the long term? Are we going to pay the price of progress with our health? OK, I can hear you already: What is…

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Food and exercise – what to eat before you work out

I often get asked if I eat before a workout, and what the best foods are to ensure you get the most out of your efforts. It’s a good idea to give your body some fuel for a big workout or sports game so that you have the energy levels for sustained endurance. Food and…

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Motivation isn’t all it’s cracked up to be

That’s a big call, but here’s my reasoning: Motivation is GREAT to get you started Motivation is there when you’re getting results BUT, what happens when it’s cold outside? you just don’t feel like moving? results are slowing down? Where’s motivation then?That’s when your REAL friends DEDICATION AND COMMITMENT are there for you It’s dedication…

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It’s up to YOU

Your life is a result of the choices you make I can hear you going “but, my boss is so demanding…” or “I have a full time job and family to look after…” etc STOP! We are ALL busy If the job is really that bad, do something about it – find a new one or…

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FIND time

Too busy to exercise? I get it, you’re working full time, you have a family that needs you 24/7, the house needs cleaning, you’re up to your ears in washing, groceries, cooking, work, children, parents… the list is endless How on earth can you fit in exercise when you have (what feels like) no time?…

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10 tips to boost your metabolism

Rev it up! Ask anyone watching their weight and they tell you they need to boost their metabolism. But, how fast your body burns calories depends on a number of things. Some are born lucky: They may have a naturally fast metabolism Men – they burn fat faster than women For most of us, it…

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