Harnessing hormonal harmony

it's a balancing act

Physical fitness is just one small benefit of regular exercise. Its reach extends into the realms of hormonal equilibrium, creativity, and overall well-being. Beyond sculpting muscles, it plays a key role in harnessing hormonal harmony. Through increased blood flow and neurotransmitter release, it ignites the spark of creativity, unveiling innovative solutions. Furthermore, exercise cultivates balance…

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Is “convenience” inconvenient?

Is technology and progress making us lazy? Are we too lazy, busy or disinterested to put an effort into everyday things? And, is this convenience, actually causing us to be inconvenienced in the long term? Are we going to pay the price of progress with our health? OK, I can hear you already: What is…

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Motivation isn’t all it’s cracked up to be

That’s a big call, but here’s my reasoning: Motivation is GREAT to get you started Motivation is there when you’re getting results BUT, what happens when it’s cold outside? you just don’t feel like moving? results are slowing down? Where’s motivation then?That’s when your REAL friends DEDICATION AND COMMITMENT are there for you It’s dedication…

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Get out of your head…

Worry, anxiety and depression can dig their claws into you leaving you unable to focus anything else. It can be a frustrating feeling of being stuck inside your head. So how do you break free from the cycle of worrying thoughts? Whilst mindfulness and meditation can help, today I’m focussing on another tool to add…

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Why size matters

We all come in different shapes and sizes which means a different healthy weight for each of us. Much of this is down to genetics so it’s impossible to say a woman aged in her 40s should weigh “x” kgs. BUT, it is still important to maintain a healthy weight, so how do you go…

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Vegetable curry

This tasty vegetable curry is jam packed with goodness and is great for meat-free Monday dinners (and it’s delicious for lunch the next day!) I buy my curry powder mix from Indian grocery stores. Make sure you store it in an air tight container. Cut up any veg you have in the fridge/pantry. I love:–…

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Your choices matter

Every choice we make, be it conscious or unconscious, has an effect.Think about it for a minute:– get up early to exercise – have a lie inor– have a protein packed, veggie filled lunch– grab a processed snackor– say “yes” to something you don’t really want to do– say “no” There are limitless choices we…

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Exercise creates “hope molecules”

You have probably heard: exercise boosts your mood “runners’ high” endorphin rush exercise helps fight depression but WHY? What is it about exercising that makes us feel better? Why is exercise prescribed to help treat depression and trauma recovery? Scientists looking at what happens to our muscles when we move discovered that our muscles can…

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Stress & your weight

Your thoughts matter What you think becomes your reality. If this seems a little woo-woo to you, just take a moment to imagine something that scares you (eg spiders; snakes; small spaces). How did that make you feel?Maybe your stomach clenched or your heart started racing.Maybe you felt anxious or jittery.No matter what you felt,…

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