Ticking Time Bomb: Managing Blood Pressure is Key to Longevity

heart health for long term health

Blood pressure and heart health are closely linked and are the key to longevity.Blood pressure is a measure of the force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of arteries. It is a vital indicator of cardiovascular health. It’s influenced by factors like cardiac output, peripheral resistance, and overall blood volume, with optimal levels crucial…

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To treat or not to treat

When it comes to food, do you try and stick to a rigid plan or do you allow yourself treats?If so, how much should you treat yourself?How often should you treat? When it comes to food and weight management, including an occasional treat meal can make the difference between overall diet compliance and “falling off…

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Is “convenience” inconvenient?

Is technology and progress making us lazy? Are we too lazy, busy or disinterested to put an effort into everyday things? And, is this convenience, actually causing us to be inconvenienced in the long term? Are we going to pay the price of progress with our health? OK, I can hear you already: What is…

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Motivation isn’t all it’s cracked up to be

That’s a big call, but here’s my reasoning: Motivation is GREAT to get you started Motivation is there when you’re getting results BUT, what happens when it’s cold outside? you just don’t feel like moving? results are slowing down? Where’s motivation then?That’s when your REAL friends DEDICATION AND COMMITMENT are there for you It’s dedication…

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Granola A high fibre breakfast doesn’t have to taste like sawdust.  Try this Granola for a sweet, crunch tasty treat.  It is SO good – it’s hard to stop at one serve.  Keep in the freezer or fridge in an air tight container 5 mins prep * 40 mins cooking * Vegan (unless served with…

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Make up a jar of this delicious Middle Eastern spice mix and use it to give your salads some crunch, or as a dip with olive oil and crunchy bread. You can also use it as a crunchy coating for chicken or kebabs and it’s great with fish. Ingredients: 2/3 cup hazelnuts 1/2 cup sesame…

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Holiday survival tip sheet

Holiday eating tips Holidays tend to be a time of indulgence – morning lie ins, meals out, cocktails etc Whether you are away on holiday or it’s the festive season, avoid coming home with more baggage around your middle with these simple tips: Don’t waste your calories: rate all foods from 1 to 10, ten…

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Curried lentil and pumpkin soup

Adding lentils to pumpkin soup gives you a big protein and fibre hit while the curry adds a delicious zing to add warmth. Ingredients  1 tablespoon olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 2 teaspoons curry powder 1 tin lentils 1.75kg butternut pumpkin, peeled, seeds removed, and chopped 3 – 4 cups…

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Cauliflower soup

Ingredients   1 tablespoon olive oil 1 brown onion, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 teaspoons ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon chilli flakes 750g cauliflower, trimmed, cut into florets 2 cups vegetable stock 2 cups water 1/4 cup creme fraiche (optional)   Method Heat oil in a saucepan over medium heat.…

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Jamie Oliver’s Quinoa and chicken salad

Quinoa salad 1 mug (300g) of quinoa 1 fresh red chilli 100g baby spinach 4 spring onions 1 bunch fresh coriander 1 bunch fresh mint 1 ripe large mango 2 limes 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 1 ripe avocado 50g feta cheese 1 punnet cress Chicken 2 x 200g skinless chicken breasts 1 heaped…

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