It’s up to YOU
Your life is a result of the choices yo
u make
I can hear you going “but, my boss is so demanding…” or “I have a full time job and family to look after…” etc
We are ALL busy
If the job is really that bad, do something about it – find a new one or request a transfer.
Yes, families are busy, but they can be fun if you choose to see the good rather than the bad.
Unhappy in a relationship? Talk about it.
Still unhappy – maybe it’s time to leave. It can be a toxic friendship, partnership, marriage… Life is too short spend being with someone who makes you unhappy.
Only YOU can decide
Take ownership of your energy levels and life a colourful life.
Check out this great 10-step way to improve your energy (from Lisa O’Neill, the most energetic woman I have seen):
- Eat well (cut the CRAP – Carbs, Rubbish/junk food, Additives, Processed)
- Move – anything you enjoy (dance, run, skip)
- Drink – lots of water
- Learn – grown your mind
- Read – stimulate your mind
- Plan – be organised and remember to add in me-time
- Laugh – the best medicine! Surround yourself with fun people
- Sleep – rest = recovery
- Listen – music
- Action – DO something. You feel better the minute you stop talking and start do-ing
This all might seem a little over whelming so take it one step at a time.
Identify one or two things on the list and start with those. Next week, add another and then another.
Choose to add exercise into the mix with my Fit! Fun! Fabulous! group fitness classes * barre classes * Pilates
Click here for my timetable