Cinnamon and oat bliss balls

If you like a cinnamon hit, you’ll love these little goodies: The oats and peanut butter hike up the protein hit and provide a fibre boost too. 3/4 cup oats 1/2 cup almond meal 1/4 cup protein powder 1 tbs cinnamon 1/4 cup honey / rice malt syrup 1/4 cup peanut butter (I prefer sugar…

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Power brekkie bliss balls

These delicious little balls of goodness are super easy and quick to make (I made my first batch at 5.15am to treat my fabulous 6am group). The oats provide fibre and protein as does the nut butter. 2/3 cup desiccated coconut 1 cup oats 1/2 cup nut butter (I used salt and sugar free crunchy…

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Summery smoothie

Smoothie: The frozen banana gives the smoothie a delicious thick and creamy texture. It’s a healthy use of the overripe bananas lurking in your fruit bowl – just peel, break into chunks and pop in the freezer ready to use. The addition of yoghurt adds a protein hit which will keep you feeling fuller for…

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