
It’s time to make it about YOU Do you feel guilty and selfish when thinking about taking “me” time. Why not think about it this way – taking a bit of time for yourself everyday will refresh and reboost you enabling you to keep up with the rest of your busy life and the various…

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Wake up sleepy head

Always tired? No energy? Could one of these be the reason? You’re buzzed Keep the phone, iPad etc out of the bedroom.  Researchers in Sweden have found that using a mobile phone an hour before bed may interfere with sleep patterns and lead to less time in the deeper sleep stages. You’re dehydrated Dehydration reduces…

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Get out of the gym!

Six reasons to get out of the gym OK, it’s May already, time to reassess the New Year’s resolutions you may have made. Hands up who had “lose weight”, “get fitter”, “tone”, “exercise more” on their list How are you going with your goal? On target?  Congratulations – keep going, your body, mind, mood and…

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