What is a Barre class?

Barre class is the ultimate full-body workout. click here to see a short video about Barre: BarreAttack studio It is a low impact, high intensity workout combining the best standing Pilates work, short cardio intervals, to dance moves in a ballet class. This dynamic fusion of ballet, Pilates and fitness provides an all over body…

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Lift yourself powerful

Running, cycling, swimming etc are our major fat-burner workouts! Right? Wrong! Resistance training; aka lifting weights; body weight work; strength work; pumping iron etc is the key to a strong, supple body. Other benefits include: Bone density better muscle tone (less jiggle, more power) increased metabolism (think slimmer, weight control) fantastic posture (walk taller) better…

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10 Common food mistakes

We all try our best to eat well (i.e. healthy) most of the time, but did you know there are some common mistakes that most of us are making?  I know I fell for the first one! Read on – these are easy to fix mistakes so don’t beat yourself up! 1 – Eating whole…

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Why alcohol moderation is more important than you may realise

When it comes to alcohol, moderation is more important than you may realise.  Women are statistically more likely to overindulge and suffer the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption these days.  It can lead to more than a hangover – weight gain, fatty liver disease, heart disease, disrupted sleep… the list goes on.  In Australia where…

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Smoked chicken & quinoa salad

This protein rich salad is quick and easy to throw together on a hot summers evening.  It’s a family favourite but is fancy enough to make for friends. You’ll need: 1 – 2 cups quinoa (depends how many you’re catering for) 2 – 4 cups chicken stock hand full of snow peas, trimmed 1 red…

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Raw Carrot Bliss Balls

I LOVE these and if you are a fan of carrot cake I’m confident you’ll enjoy this recipe. 1 cup cashews 3/4 cup oats 1/2 cup dates 1 tbs vanilla protein powder 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground ginger Blitz in a food processor to form a crumbly dough.  Add a finely grated carrot and…

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Core issues

Core control, engage your core, weak core… Argh! What do all of these terms mean? Why do I need control over my core? How do I strengthen it??? Sound familiar?  Read on! So, what exactly is the Core? Many people think core refers to the abdominal (aka tummy) muscles, but it’s much more than that.…

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in sickness and in health… or not?

So, the dreaded lurgy has caught up with you! Do you hit the gym to “sweat it out” or stay home? Read on to help you decide what to do next time a cold or flu hits you. A quick overview of the immune system: This is the hard working part of the body that…

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5 steps to loving yourself

Be kind to yourself With the end of the year and all it’s inherent craziness looming, now is a good time to remind ourselves to take time out and look after no. 1. I know this might sound self centred and selfish, but if you don’t feel  well, get sick or just overwhelmed, you’re no…

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Goodnight, sleep tight

After having children I’ve come to understand why sleep deprivation is used as a torture technique. I’m horrible without enough sleep! Fortunately, I generally sleep very well.   If you struggle to get a good night’s rest, here are a few foods you might want to avoid: Dark Chocolate Whilst dark chocolate is a better option…

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