To treat or not to treat

When it comes to food, do you try and stick to a rigid plan or do you allow yourself treats?If so, how much should you treat yourself?How often should you treat? When it comes to food and weight management, including an occasional treat meal can make the difference between overall diet compliance and “falling off…

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10 tips to boost your metabolism

Rev it up! Ask anyone watching their weight and they tell you they need to boost their metabolism. But, how fast your body burns calories depends on a number of things. Some are born lucky: They may have a naturally fast metabolism Men – they burn fat faster than women For most of us, it…

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Lift yourself powerful

Running, cycling, swimming etc are our major fat-burner workouts! Right? Wrong! Resistance training; aka lifting weights; body weight work; strength work; pumping iron etc is the key to a strong, supple body. Other benefits include: Bone density better muscle tone (less jiggle, more power) increased metabolism (think slimmer, weight control) fantastic posture (walk taller) better…

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Get pumping!

Do you shy away from the weights room at the gym? Ever wondered how to use the odd looking equipment in the park? Or maybe you’ve noticed a growing trend in women lifting weights in the gym or doing body weight training out in the park. Whatever your level of knowledge or experience, it’s important…

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Metabolism and weight loss

Metabolism is the process of your body converting the food you eat to the energy you need for every day activities and exercise. The metabolic process takes the calories from the carbohydrates, fats and proteins that you eat, combines them with oxygen to release energy.  This energy allows your body to function. Daily energy expenditure…

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